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Google supports Mission1world's mission.

"A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions,
and the roots spring up
and make new trees."

Amelia Earhart

Join us to help make the world a better place.
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 To date over 800,000 people have been
given access to clean water, help support us on this mission by
donating @

On-Going Missions

Mission Purify

Lahore, Pakistan

      Our aim for Mission Purify is to provide clean water to the most vulnerable. Access to safe drinking water is a devastating and widespread problem in Pakistan. 33% of the deaths are related to this problem with only 20% of the population having access to safe, drinking water. Mission 1 World is targeting schools, hospitals, orphanages, and others living in poverty by providing purification systems to help solve this major humanitarian crisis. 

You can support us on this Mission by donating here:

The total cost for installations varies from $2,400 - $10,00 CAD based on volume output capacity (litres/hour). We're prioritizing orphanages, schools, hospitals and the local communities. Every little bit helps and is appreciated.

Mission H2O

Small Villages in Pakistan

      Our aim for Mission H2O is to build wells in the rural areas of Pakistan where there is little to no clean water, leaving villages and communities often resorting to consuming unsafe water. Many of the wells need to be drilled hundreds of feet down to reach fresh water aquifers. We commission local companies to drill these wells and in certain instances install solar panels, eliminating the need for manually pumping water out. Fresh, clean drinking water is from that point on, accessible to anyone and everyone by simply turning a tap, any time they want.

Summer Mission

Mission Solar

Mission Solar is one of M1W’s recurring missions that is executed during the hot season in Pakistan.  This mission is all about getting solar panels and fans for basic electricity to areas where many struggle through the harsh summer months and temperatures can reach 50+ degrees celsius, which is often fatal to many.  Please consider donating to assist in changing the lives of villagers in remote rural areas. These items can make the world of a difference.  

You can support us on this Mission by donating here:


The cost for a solar unit including fan is $112 CAD to have installed. Every little bit helps and is appreciated!

Mission facilitate


Mission Facilitate the needy people with sublime opportunities to resurge a healthy life. This Mission is an evergreen act which helps develop a chain of kindness and humanity among people by giving them better health care, opportunities to earn and also the motivation to live a better life through this financial aid. It is the noble path connecting us humans for a moment of blissfulness. It’s estimated that 5 million people die/year because of poverty and the unavailability to health care. Mission 1 World provides the much needed treatment to terminally ill patients in hopes of giving a better life to one. It has become a life saving platform for many to improve their quality of life and overall well being.

You can support us on this Mission by donating here:



Mission Facilitate aims to provide people with sublime opportunities to resurge a healthy life. Every little bit helps and is appreciated!

Mission education

for Disable Childern

Mission Education for disabled children. Making education a reality for ALL children.The purpose of creating this classroom was to build interest in children & also familiarize them with modern methods.This technique helps the students improve their coordination. Students with autism responded very well to learning & understanding in this classroom. Education is the key to empowerment for this marganlized & underserved community.


You can support us on this Mission by donating here:



Creating a digital classroom costs from $2,500 - $3,500 CAD based on class size and number of children. Every little bit helps and is appreciated!

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